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  • No 2.2
  • Organizational and economic aspects of increase of foreign trade activities efficiency

Organizational and economic aspects of increase of foreign trade activities efficiency

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 2.2),
p. 228-231

The increasing interdependence of national economies, the intensifi¬cation of integration processes leads to the objective necessity of using a global ap¬proach to doing business. In these conditions, economic activity is becoming an in¬creasingly prominent part of the economic activity of enterprises and organizations, and therefore, particularly urgent problem analysis, associated with the identification and purposeful creation of an effective model of management of foreign economic activity of the Russian enterprises, as improved managerial decision-making is a pre-condition to improve the efficiency of foreign economic activity. This research prob-lem is becoming very relevant in the WTO context. Studies show that in General the integration into the trade organization for Russian companies will be very painful, which in turn makes it necessary to increase efficiency of management of foreign economic activity as a factor of competitiveness of enterprises.

Keywords: foreign trade; management; efficiency; competitiveness

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606