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  • No 2.2
  • Current trends in world economy and Russia’s international positioning prospects

Current trends in world economy and Russia’s international positioning prospects

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 2.2),
p. 217-223

The article presents the analysis of geopolitical and global economic risks which determine possible perspective platform of the Russian economy in world economic system; results of assessment of potential of the Russian economy on the edge of shifting from the fifth technological mode to the sixth, and also the assess-ment of a role and a place of resource potential for providing subjectivity in geo-political systems are given; the most significant world commodity markets neces-sary for resource ensuring change of technological mode are allocated, and also the assessment is given to prospects of economies of the western countries compet-ing with Russia for geopolitical leadership with allocation of causes and effects of picking up by them some actual strategies; the concept basics of providing alternative model of Russian economy’s international positioning on a theory of economic development as a basis of regional cross-country systems’ of division of labor and industrial clusters formation are offered.

Keywords: competitiveness of the Russian economy; geopolitical strategies; fifth and sixth technological mode; world commodity markets; metal markets; rare earth elements markets; theory of economic development; international division of labor between countries; cross-country division of labor; cross-country industrial clusters

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606