The lending to individuals as a factor for sustainable development of the depressed mono-towns (research concept and working hypotheses)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 107-114

The author introduces a series of hypotheses examining the interdependence between sustainable development of depressed territories and federal, regional and municipal policy with regards to lending to individuals. Institutional and infrastructural barriers of consumer loans impeding local socio-economic development are revealed. The necessity of designing and implementing institutional arrangements promoting rationalization of lending to individuals in the depressed territories is proved. The corresponding mechanisms are ones which make for harmonization of purposes and timing synchronization of the loans with the terms and objectives of the local socio-economic development. The coordination function of the regional and municipal authorities in reducing information asymmetry and transaction costs of interactions between the actors of the credit system is defined.

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Models of intercompany interaction: using the potential of partnership for the modernization of the main segments of the economy at the South of Russia

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 101-106

The article demonstrates that intercompany partnership is one of the most important directions of innovations’ creation and diffusion. That is why it plays an important role in technological modernization of Russian Southern regions. As it is shown in the paper, decision support complex of intercompany partnership, including various models, should be developed in connection with the business actors’ partnership life cycle. The main economics models of intercompany partnership for different stages of its life cycle are proposed in the article.

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The institutions of entrepreneurship: peculiarities and modernization tools in the south Russian regions

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 95-100

The article explores fundamental institutions of entrepreneurship in the multisectoral economy of South Russia and characteristics of institutional modernization in modern environment. The author defines the main tools for institutional business modernization, such as microcredit and franchising. The paper comprises proposals for stimulating the entrepreneurial activity as a requirement for institutional modernization of the regional economy.

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Evaluation of uneven regional development trends in technological modernization

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 89-94

Differentiation of economic space in the region defined scale industry structural shifts within the change of technological structures. Established under the influence of certain factors structure and efficiency industries have a significant impact on both the development of the regions and the economy as a whole, while creating regional factors in technological modernization of the economy. To assess the level of technological modernization complex technique used, including measurement of primary and secondary economic modernization , the evaluation of which can be implemented in industrial policy.

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Modeling of resource flows for development of peripheral areas

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 84-88

The paper developed a model toolkit resource support the modernization projects of peripheral areas. The proposed tool is versatile and allows you to simulate and evaluate the competitive advantages of the region.

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Structurally functional parameters of a grain farm in structure of agrarian and industrial complex of the grain region

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 78-83

Agrarian policy of the state is considered in the context of management methodology. The author pays attention to the need for a regional perspective in the implementation of measures of state policy in the field of agriculture. And identifies the subject-component constituting the organizational structure of regional governance.

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Trends and directions of development of productive instruments of correction of the financial markets economic systems depressive type

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 74-77

The article is devoted to the actual problem of contradictions in the development of tools for correcting the most important parameters of local financial markets. The author defines the trends in the development of tools for correcting economic systems.

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Achieving a state of crisis stability in the process of strategic management as a necessary condition for the effective restructuring of the company at the stage of post-crisis recovery

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 69-73

The paper analyzes the methods of crisis management enterprise, in particular the return potential of the company in the pre-crisis state. Analyzed like the restructuring of the enterprise as part of anti-crisis plan of management. The concept of crisis stability is considered in the context of the issues of restructuring and diversification.

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The problem of increasing efficiency of intelligent resources for development organization

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 64-68

The offered article is devoted to the issues of strategic innovation management organization, the results of the monitoring structure innovative industries nearest economic environment, approaches to the creation of intellectual resources and the ability to measure performance with the set up of intangible assets, which in general will ensure sustainable development and competitiveness of the organization.

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Principles, mechanisms and effects of the contemporary pension system

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.2),
p. 54-63

The article provides an analysis of the principles, mechanisms and effects of the pension system as a form of social safety in the context of current modernization based on evolutionary, institutional and socio-economic approaches. In the course of research, traditional and innova-tive principles have been identified, driven by current modernization, stages of enhancement of the distributive insurance mechanism for developing and recording citizens’ pension rights have been analyzed, and the potential of the accumulative mechanism for pension system has been revealed. The article implements the author’s approach to interpretation of social and economic effects from enhancement of the pension fund scheme and classification of their assessment indicators.

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