Ecological mechanism of environmental management for melioration systems

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 2.1),
p. 138-142

The article discusses the issues of introduction of innovative approaches to the process of natural resources, including in the field of land reclamation. It is proved that the organization of environmental management systems for reclamation to the fore issues of quality resource-saving technologies, supporting quality of the biosphere in the surrounding areas, which in turn creates favorable conditions for the life of the population as a whole. Costs in land reclamation are expressed in machinery, equipment and special devices designed to organize a rational use of reclaimed lands and irrigation «water», creating rational agromeliolandshaftov and artificial biogeocenosis and cleaning water pollution, irrigation water purification and recycling of crop residues and wastes production that justifies the importance of innovative technologies in the construction and operation of reclamation systems, which tend to provide environmental and industrial processes.

Keywords: innovation; agromeliolandshaft; agromelioekosistemy; environmental capacity; investment

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606