Transaction politic as instrument developed transaction sector

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 31-33

The main idea of presented article is analyze of direction, on which regulation of transaction sector are realized. The special attention is focused on problems, which are formed, when the transaction policy are developed.

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Tendencies of development of interactive commodity-money relations

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 28-30

In article the basic tendencies of development of market relations in interactive sector of the Russian economy are proved. The statistical and tabular data confirming tendencies of development of Internet trade is cited.

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Methodology of research of the market of an imperfect competition (on an example of the market of dairy products)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 23-27

In article the problem of methodology of a market research of an imperfect competition is considered and the author's technique of research of the market of dairy products is presented.

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Innovation as a factor in the transformation of the economic system

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 19-22

This article discusses the role of innovation in the process of economic transformation in Russia. Identify three areas of innovative economic transformation of Russia. The author examines possible scenarios for the innovative development of Russia.

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System economic policy of the state as the factor of increase of efficiency of economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 16-18

In article it is proved that carrying out of system economic policy has integrated influence on all factors of economic growth, is accompanied by introduction of more effective forms and methods of regulation, housekeeping, induces workers and collectives of the enterprises to improvement of use of elements of productive forces.

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Reproductive structure of innovative development

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 12-15

The paper proposes an approach to the analysis of the reproductive structures of innovation development. The theoretical approaches to the analysis of innovation. The author analyzes the relationship factor of innovation development.

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The research of possibilities and scope for application of economically mathematical modeling methodology in terms of money field tensor analysis: theoretical and methodological questions of interaction between financial and real sectors of an economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 8-11

The paper analyzes practical application of money field theory, which was published before. Using econometric and linear modeling of time-series as a basis for the analysis of Canada’s financial indicators, inferences are made towards the country’s stability and actions monetary authorities have to take in order to increase the efficiency of interaction between financial and real sectors of an economy.

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The institutional government regulation framework of business activity in Russian agriculture

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 5-7

The analysis shows that the agribusiness development is based on interaction between the authority and economic structures. In practice the efficiency of that interaction depends on methods and instruments which form the institutional basis of the state business regulation in RF agriculture.

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