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  • 2012
  • No 1.3
  • The research of possibilities and scope for application of economically mathematical modeling methodology in terms of money field tensor analysis: theoretical and methodological questions of interaction between financial and real sectors of an economy

The research of possibilities and scope for application of economically mathematical modeling methodology in terms of money field tensor analysis: theoretical and methodological questions of interaction between financial and real sectors of an economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 8-11

The paper analyzes practical application of money field theory, which was published before. Using econometric and linear modeling of time-series as a basis for the analysis of Canada’s financial indicators, inferences are made towards the country’s stability and actions monetary authorities have to take in order to increase the efficiency of interaction between financial and real sectors of an economy.

Keywords: monetary policy; money supply; tensor analysis; linear operators
Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606