Problems and prospects of the banking sector in ensuring the economic security of Russia
Petrov I.V.
Ermolenko O.M.
TERRA ECONOMICUS, 2012, Vol. 10 (no. 1.3),
p. 142-146
The article presents an analysis of the current state of the Russian banking sector in the crisis. The authors examine key indicators of the banking sector and the trends of their future dynamics. The article shows the negative impact of trends in the formation of additional supply of liquidity by reducing the volume of lending to the real sector of the economy on the prospects for strengthening the economic security of the state.
Keywords: assets, the banking sector, liquidity, profitability, risk, economic security
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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606