Formation of the competitiveness priority directions in the agricultural processing industry

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 45-48

In article problems of formation of competitive advantages of managing subjects of a regional industrial complex are considered.

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Methodological approaches to the management of ecological-economic systems

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 40-44

In this article the questions of methodology of research of the ecologo-economic systems (EES), including structure, specifics and the directions of their development are considered. The set of the characteristics describing the current state and prospects of their development and, on this basis is defined, groups of quantitative and quality indicators are defined. In the conclusion of arti-cle need of formation of the common methodological instrument of research EES is defined.

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Reproduction competitiveness of the modern industry

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 36-39

Article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of current trends of development of the industry in reproduction structures. Expansion of a new infrastructure functional role of the industry in development of national economy is noted. This role has to be estimated not only on a direct contribution to a value added, but also on creation of a network of the new reproduction economic relations.

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Inflation and the methods of its regulation

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 31-35

The article deals with the essence characteristic of inflation, legality of the inflation process, the assessment of lowering inflation is given, clarifying factors of influence. Special regard is paid to the problem of inflation regulation on the basis of money-credit policy, regulation of the competitive fields of economics.

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Regenerations of function of operating influence of a financial superstructure in relation to economic basis

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 27-30

The article reveals the role of function of operating influence of a financial superstructure in relation to economic basis. The author analyzes the mechanism of qualitative transformation of the reproduction process.

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Mechanisms of the reproduction of individual and public capital under the conditions institutional change

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 21-26

The reproduction of individual and public capital comes out as the imperative of passage to the trajectory of the steady development of Russian economy, since it ensures the realization of the possibilities, determined by its resource potential, genotype, which evolves under the conditions institutional change ( in other conditions being equal). The mechanisms of the reproduction of capital, built in the architecture of the innovation economy, in majority their, realize on a narrowed scale, they are modified and they «mutate” especially under the conditions of the instability of economic development, crisis phenomena, which causes appearance and circulation of the non-ergodic forms of their existence.

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National and international calculations in the market economy of Russia

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 16-20

In this assignment, a theoretical questions of the organization of international settlement relations are considered: the concept of settlements, their types, structure, functions, their influence on the circulation of capital enterprises.

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Behavioral aspects of the real estate shadow market

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 9-15

The article discusses the financial and behavioral interpretation of the existence of the shadow of the residential property markets and provides an explanation of the nature of such in-vestments. Sociological data show that financial constraint is available from the housing show only 44.4% (of respondents USA, EU) and 25.1% (modeling, the situation on the local market of Russia - Rostov region) the reasons for the refusal from sales of own responsibility, and three documented behavioral reasons account for a large part of such refusals. Because the demographic characteristics of the respondents may have a significant impact on the shadow markets, the work they were has-optimized as additions to the three behavioral reasons.

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State and private industry – of main actors of economics

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.3),
p. 5-8

The characteristics of two main actors part and possibility of economics mod-ernization in Russia – state and private industry is given. The activation necessity of their cooperation in processes of economics modernization is explained

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