Trends and tools for efficiency increase of social protection of the population in the region (on the example of the Rostov region)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 103-107

In article the main trends and instruments of efficiency increase of social protection of the population in the region, possibility of the state support for households at mesolevel including low-income population are considered. Special attention is paid to identification of innovative tools for forming social policy in the Rostov region. The system of measures necessary for achieving a worthy living standard of the population in the region is defined.

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The concept of development of venture investment innovation activity of the region

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 98-97

The article reveals the specificity and importance of venture investment, innovation activity, necessity of interaction of the venture business, the state in imple-mentation strategies of innovative development of Russian economy and its investment provision.

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Contemporary role of cluster organizations in forming the region financial potential

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 93-97

In article the actual problem of an assessment of a role and value of cluster initiatives in development of financial capacity of the region on world and Russian practice in investigated.

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Innovative mechanisms of state financial control development in Ukraine

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 86-92

Economic reform and the introduction of an innovative model of public financial management in Ukraine requires a systematic reform of state financial control. The article is examines the national system of state financial control, are described by modern problems of its development. Much attention is paid to the disclosure of how to address these issues, and innovative mechanisms to improve public financial control in Ukraine, based on the best international and European experience.

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The depressed territories: phase sublimation model (concept, hypothesis and research programs)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 75-85

Reviewing perspectives for revitalization of depressed territories, authors criticize the conventional governmental and municipal practical approaches for rehabilitation of depressed territories. Most of these approaches are based on the injections of budget resources into development of disadvantaged regions. By focusing on endogenous sources of the regional development, authors carefully draw the model outlines, picturing households as the main driving force capable of providing the energy impulse for pulling the municipality out of depression. The purpose lending to households is suggested to be considered as a separate element of the model. This type of lending should simultaneously trigger income increase and expenses decrease of a household; at the same time it should serve as the off-budget source of local economical development programs implementation. In addition, authors raise the question of building the management contour of the model and define the role of local authorities whose activities should result in intensification of identified sources of development and in consolidation of the interested parties’ resources.

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Region as an open system, the role of agro-economic growth in the development of regional territorial entities

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 71-74

The paper deals with the issues of regional agro-economic growth, the process of creating the conditions of openness and closure of the regional economy, the main characteristics of the essence of regional economic development, substantiates the thesis of the need to implement a set of reforms in the regional socio-economic systems.

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Positioning Russian multinationals IPO tools in the structure of external equity financing

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 65-70

Multinational corporation activity, optimizing processes of formation of the global economic system destroying borders of national economies, connecting their at the same time strong trade and financial relations, positions instruments of public placement of shares. High rates of economic growth in the country cause the steady growth of number of the multinational companies which meet requirements of an exit of public placements and conditions of positive placement of the actions in stock market. The number of multinational corporation which diversify financing sources increases, respectively reducing a share of more expensive proceeds of credit and increasing the volume of cheaper funds raised at the expense of sale of shares. Among the classical types of external financing available to the Russian multinational corporations, it should be noted participation financing which assumes attraction of additional investments from external resources of the capital. So increasing greatly contribution assets by external financing, the investor, respectively gets additional profit. The choice the multinational companies of these or those instruments of attraction of financial resources is defined by a ratio of cost of mobilized means and risks to which the company is exposed when carrying out these operations. In structure of sources of external participation financing the Russian multinational companies one of effective tools is public placement of shares. For the Russian multinational corporations attraction of necessary money through initial public offering, happens to an entry of the company into the open market and placements of shares among primary investors. Thus primary public placement is used as the tool in structure of sources of external participation financing of multinational corporation that promotes increase of investment activity and improvement of investment climate in the country. Primary public placement allows multinational corporation to receive necessary financial resources for business development, but nevertheless in the Russian economy there are the factors disturbing to active development of initial public offering. Excessive concentration of a turn of the Russian securities market doesn't promote growth of public placement and the circulation of stocks. To public placement of shares by the Russian companies stir not settled questions of property. Insufficient development of the Russian institutional investors, legislative ban on investment of pension means and means of mutual investment funds in primary public placement lead to reduction of number of participants of the market of primary public placement.

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Social innovations management in the organizations

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 62-64

One of characteristics of functioning of the organizations in modern Russian conditions – is permanent structural and functional changes, innovations. Each organization should adapt for external changes, to overcome difficulties arising thus, to restore balance with environment. Consequences of changes carried out in the organization are various. In one organizations they promote successful development, in others – to financial improvement and strengthening of positions in the market, thirdly – to growth of expenses and crisis deepening in the organization. Not all changes lead to success. The modern organization in itself doesn't provide innovative success. There has to be the control system of innovations which is turning on organizational and administrative, economic and social mechanisms. As show supervision, the most serious difficulty on a way of innovations is unavailability of the personnel of the organizations to their adequate perception and an assessment. According to foreign and domestic analysts, individuals possess high creative activity from innovations in own economy before opening in fundamental science, but because of low innovative culture this potential of the nation throughout many centuries is used insufficiently. In this regard are staticized and gain more and more important public value of a problem of social management of changes, formations and increases of innovative culture, innovative readiness of society as a whole, heads and the personnel of the organizations, in particular.

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The strategic aspects of institutional modernization of commercial banks

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 58-61

This article discusses promising directions of modernization of the commercial banking sector as a result of the development of new mass technology, provides practical guidance.

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The business environment as a condition for sustainable development of small and medium-sized businesses

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 52-57

The modern Russian business works in the context of globalization and in-ternationalization of economic relations of various countries, characterized by a rapid pace of development of the business sector. Therefore, in Russia particularly acute problem of creating an enabling business environment that would ensure sustainable and effective development of small and medium-sized businesses. In addition, the business environment determines the shape and scope of the entrepreneurial capacity and the level of activity.

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