Features of formation an organization innovative potential

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 1.3),
p. 44-46

In article basic definitions are given, and also the interrelation of the concepts «information resources» and «innovative potential» of aspect of consideration of sources and driving forces of innovations is reasoned. As a result of research the conclusion that between innovative activity and information resources exist close interrelation is drawn. which locates following circumstances: emergence of innovations results from intellectual activity of the person that treats and information resource; the most productive and valuable part of innovations – basic – is based now, first of all, on achievements which, in turn, are a source of the major part of information resource; interactive and nonlinear models of innovative process include the elements acting as a source of innovative ideas; information resource represents an important component of innovative capacity of the organization. The considered concepts of driving forces of innovative process include knowledge, information and information resource as the essential precondition or innovative activity, updating of a role of the last assumes need of implementation of the continuous analysis of factors of development, for the purpose of elimination of possible deviations from a target trajectory.

Keywords: information resources; innovative potential; organization; problems of innovative activity

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606