Social investment: Problems and development strategies

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 2),

We present the findings of a survey aimed at identifying expert opinions about social investment policies. Our sample includes respondents from Russian regions (n = 160) involved in the production of social services – specialists and heads of state social institutions, non-profit organizations, social entrepreneurs, and authorities. Research findings suggest key factors that might contribute to the development of non-profit sector of social services and social entrepreneurship. The state and local governments are considered by experts as the main investors, while financial investments in the form of budget subsidies and grants are the most anticipated forms for solving regional social issues. Investing in infrastructure and personnel is among the most popular areas for social investment related to the development of new suppliers. According to the respondents, the priority spheres for social entrepreneurship are investments to children, youth, health, and active longevity. The survey participants view social investment as a strategy for the social development of regions based on the achievement of social goals combined with economic results. The professional community considers the lack of interest in the new type of entrepreneurship among residents of the regions, including private investors, and the weak interest of local governments as risks for social investment policy and social entrepreneurship.
Citation: Borodkina O.I., Starshinova A.V., Arkhipova E.B. (2022). Social investment: Problems and development strategies. Terra Economicus 20(2), 99–110 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-2-99-110
Acknowledgment: The research is prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project № 19- 18-00246 “Challenges of transformation of the welfare state in Russia: Institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”, implemented at St. Petersburg State University.

Keywords: welfare state; social investment; social entrepreneurs; NGOs; social services; experts

JEL codes: I31, I38, I380

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ISSN: 2073-6606