Post-Soviet space thirty years on: Independence vs synergy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 2),

The article deals with the macro-outcomes and problems of socio-economic development of the postSoviet states as a result of 30 years of disintegrated existence. Among the components studied are economic, social (education and demography) and political factors. 11 out of 15 former Soviet republics, while demonstrating acceptable GDP growth rates, approached bankruptcy in terms of external debt. With the exception of Lomonosov Moscow State University, no university in the past 30 years has been included in the rankings of top world universities, indicating that national higher education systems are on the margins. The politico-military conflict potential of the post-Soviet space revealed a highly unstable equilibrium to which considerable Russian resources are being diverted. Post-Soviet space lacks ideological basis for its own projects of prospective development. A sequence of “colored” revolutions in the neighboring states occurs, with the increasing number of “hot spots”. The political status of Russiaʼs neighboring states allows almost half of its land border to be classified as a potential front line (6000 km). We contribute to existing literature by demonstrating that a single state regime was more advantageous for the former Soviet republics compared to current existence in the form of individual states.
Citation: Gousev A.B., Yurevich M.A., Ekimova N.A., Advokatova A.S. (2022). Post-Soviet space thirty years on: Independence vs synergy. Terra Economicus 20(2), 21–39 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-2-21-39
Acknowledgment: The article was prepared as part of the state assignment of the Government of the Russian Federation to the Financial University for 2021 on the topic «The study of alternative concepts of tax regulation as a driver for the new industrial revolution in Russia»

Keywords: post-Soviet space; post-Soviet states macro-results; disunity; interstate conflicts; synergy

JEL codes: F02, Р30

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606