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  • Civil society, social networks and cultural activity in digital environment

Civil society, social networks and cultural activity in digital environment

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 2),

The article examines cultural activity related to digital social networks viewed as the institution of civil society. We present the results of the original study of theater profiles in social networks, assessing their influence on theatre demand and audiences. The study addresses general and specific properties of social networks, as well as theoretical and applied aspects of social network analysis, arising on the digital platforms. Our sample includes Russian federal theaters: eight opera and ballet theaters, thirteen drama theaters and two children’s theaters, which have official accounts in social networks. The number of subscribers and the date of account creation were analyzed, along with statistical data on the theaters’ performance from the supply side. We contribute to the research literature by modeling attendance and testing the hypothesis on positive relationship between theater demand and the number of subscribers to social media accounts. Multivariate statistical analysis identified composite factors, including: subscribers to theater accounts; variety of theater posters; updating of repertoire; scale of theater promotion; integral index of theater offer. We present two options for ranking federal theaters by the composite factor of subscribers to theater accounts and by the integral index of supply. Comparative analysis of the selected groups of theaters is conducted. The estimated composite factors characterizing the first and second line of each federal theater provided the basis for a numerical model of theater attendance, including four linear equations. The regression analysis confirmed the validity of our hypothesis and revealed a significant positive effect of the composite factor of social network subscribers on the theatre demand in all four models.
Citation: Rubinstein A., Sokolova E., Dudkina E. (2022). Civil society, social networks and cultural activity in digital environment. Terra Economicus 20(2), 111–131 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-2-111-131

Keywords: volume of supply; volume of consumption; cultural activity; Internet; social networks; subscribers; theater; repertoire; new productions; attendance

JEL codes: Z10, Z11, C43, C51

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606