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  • Peculiarities of state-private partnership in infrastructural projects: a case of Kazakhstan


TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 15 (no. 3),

In today’s difficult economic situation in Kazakhstan state-private partnership can become a quite productive form of cooperation between the state and business, as in a state of crisis, stability of demand from the state is a crucial instrument for reducing the risk of investment and building the confidence of credit institutions. However, despite the recognition of this form of cooperation in foreign countries one of the most important tools for improving national (and regional) competitiveness, introduction of mechanisms of public-private partnerships in the Kazakhstan practice is slow. Pendency of a number of methodological issues of the transition to a partnership between the state and business, lack of experience of such partnerships, underdeveloped legislative and regulatory framework at all levels, bureaucratic obstacles hindered the implementation of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan.

Keywords: economy; public-private partnership; concession; concession projects; matrix of public-private partnerships; Kazakhstan

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606