Estimation of recreational and investment potentials of a sanatorium complex of Krasnodar territory: teoretiko-methodological aspects

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 77-82

In article text teoretiko-methodical aspects of formation of an estimation of investment and recreational potential of a sanatorium complex of Krasnodar territory are resulted and on the basis of the analysis of investment projects of development territorial sanatorium Yeysk cluster recommendations about perfection of regional programs of social and economic development are made.

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Peculiarities of development of entrepreneurship activity in the post-crises economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 73-76

In the conditions of the post-crisis economy there is a need for realization of effective functioning of an enterprise. In order to reach it, the author considers necessary to use the complex approach based on innovative development in a contour of management by life cycle of the economic subject.

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Taxation of commercial banks in the Russian tax system

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 70-72

The article reflects the economic preconditions for establishing a system of taxation of commercial banks in Russia, shows its place and role in the development of the country's tax system.

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Role and specificity of risk in financial management of investment projects

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 66-69

In article features of the account of risk factors and uncertainty of decision-making process about financing of investment projects are considered. The special attention is given minimization of possible negative consequences on the basis of use of adaptive models of management.

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Improving the environmental payments as an element of the mechanism of regulation on environmental impact

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 62-65

The article made a comparative analysis of Russian and foreign practices regulating adverse environmental impacts through eco-taxes and payments, showing major flaws in the Russian system of environmental charges and recommendations for their improvement.

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Methodology to assess the effectiveness of cooperation and integration interaction in APC

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 57-61

The article presents the analysis of evaluation criteria and effectiveness factors of cooperative-integrative structures of Agro-Industrial Complex, the grounds given for relational benefits of affiliated and/or integrative organizations in modern economy.

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Electronic auction as a potential factor in reducing the level of corruption in the host state and municipal procurement: myth or reality?

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 51-56

In article before introduction comparison of system of procurement is spent to practice of open auction in the electronic form and after. Possible effects of minimization of corruption risks, opportunistic behavior of participants of the market, increase of efficiency of an expenditure of budgetary funds are analyzed.

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The peculiarities strategies innovative development of economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 46-50

This article reveals the factors of innovative economy increasing. The peculiarities of longterm innovative organizations strategies forming are shown. The implements of innovative management organization technology are determined.

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The impact of distribution laws of risky asset’s prices on optimal portfolio strategies

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 41-45

The paper proposes the model of financial investment, allowing to analyze optimal portfolio strategies in stochastic investment opportunities taking account of jumps of risky assets prices of large amplitude.

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The formation of synergistic effect in the economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.2),
p. 36-40

Translation of economy of Russia into the innovative way of progress which are based scientific and technical progress, is inevitable, thus not all innovations are economically necessary, but only what give economic benefit of sufficient size, conforming thus to social and ecological requirements. Most possibilities of increase of economic efficiency are contained in the rational combining of all factors, foremost, scientific and technical innovations, when as a result of it combining assumes an air of synergetic effect. In this consists urgency given work.

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