Economic agents and social institutions: A behavioral interaction model

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 21 (no. 4),

The study aims to develop an agent-based model that reflects the interaction of economic agents with the system of economic institutions of society. The interaction of agents with institutions is considered a twoway process of establishing social norms corresponding to the mentality of agents and changing the valuepsychological structure of the mentality of agents under existing institutions. It is assumed that each agent finds himself in various situations of choice during his life activity in which he can adhere to one or another line (pattern) of behavior. On the one hand, his behavior is influenced by the initial value attitudes, and on the other hand, by the institutional norms that apply in this situation. Economic utility (benefit) plays an essential role in this process, influencing the agent’s decision regarding following the dominant institutions in society and forcing him to risk his own reputation. The proposed system of coordinates “mentality – institutions” gives us a new description of the development of civil society in the country. In a developed society, the mentality of people and formal institutions do not contradict each other and are in balance (harmonious state). At the other extreme, there is a situation where each agent pursues only his interests. Various intermediate (transitional) configurations are also possible, where there is a struggle between formal and informal institutions and individual, group, and public interests. The result of the study is an agent-based model implemented on experimental data, which makes it possible to assess the degree of mutual influence of the mentality and civil society institutions and formulate conditional recommendations for bodies developing the country’s social and economic policies.
Citation: Kleiner G.B., Rybachuk M.A., Ushakov D.V. (2023). Economic agents and social institutions: A behavioral interaction model. Terra Economicus 21(4), 55–68 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073- 6606-2023-21-4-55-68
Acknowledgment: The study is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project “Latest Trends in the Development of Human and Social Sciences in the Context of Digitalization and New Social Problems and Threats: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, Agreement № 075-15-2020-798).

Keywords: agent-based model; big five personality traits; mentality; informal institutions; formal institutions; calculation experiment

JEL codes: D01, D02, C61, C63

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606