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  • Comparing the approaches to state regulation of foreign trade (The case of Russia after the Crimean War and the United States after the Civil War)

Comparing the approaches to state regulation of foreign trade (The case of Russia after the Crimean War and the United States after the Civil War)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 21 (no. 4),

The post-war economy in any country and in any historical era faces a relatively standard set of consequences (burden on the state budget, inflation, etc.). Examples of state regulation of foreign trade in Russia after the Crimean War and in the United States after the Civil War are interesting both in the opposite direction and, as a result, in the opposite results. For an economist, such a comparison is also interesting because these two wars take place in close periods of time and the chronological framework for studying the recovery of the economies of the two countries after the wars is also close, thereby defining the external factors of economic development as ceteris paribus. The purpose of the article is to compare the results of state regulation of foreign trade in Russia during the twenty years after the end of the Crimean War (from 1856 to 1876) and in the USA during the twelve years after the end of the Civil War (from 1865 to 1876). In achieving research objectives, traditional economic history methods were used: problem-chronological, systemic, comparativehistorical. A world systems approach was also used to analyze the causes of war in both countries. Comparison of approaches to the state regulation of foreign trade in Russia and in the United States in the second half of the 19th century shows that the U.S. implemented a foreign trade regulation policy aimed at maintaining and protecting domestic industry, which led to economic growth and an increase in the welfare of the population. But in Russia, the policy of foreign trade adhered to a greater extent to free trading and the emphasis in state regulation was placed on monetary methods.
Citation: Epifanova N.S. (2023). Comparing the approaches to state regulation of foreign trade (The case of Russia after the Crimean War and the United States after the Civil War). Terra Economicus 21(4), 80–90 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2023-21-4-80-90

Keywords: history of foreign trade; Crimean War; American Civil War; international trade

JEL codes: N10, F13

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606