Cognitive aspects of institutional development of social systems

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 53-72

In the article, the features of the institutional development of social systems studied with means of cognitive notions such as language and thinking are considered. This approach allows us to get additional information that sheds light on the nature of the formation and evolution of the social orders – models of organizing and structuring the interaction of the individuals and their groups across time and space. Given the dynamics of the language change, characteristics of extra-linguistic change with a focus on the logic of the social orders evolution are disclosed. The possibility of a causal link between language and non-language change is discussed and a conclusion of impossibility of incorporating institutions of open access into the unprepared institutional system of limited orders is drawn.

Keywords: language; thinking; cognitive aspects; institutional development; social orders; logic of evolution

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606