On issues of application of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of economic relations

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 150-157

The article covers the issues of improvement of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and peculiarities of its application in modern Russian market economy. Specificity of the Concept’s implementation for further development of civil legislation in the sphere of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation, protective measures in cases of entrepreneurial activity participants’ rights violation are considered.

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Genesis of the world-system periphery (Considering experience of South Asia)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 123-149

The following chapter of the course on comparative analysis explores the genesis of the worldsystem periphery considering experience of South Asia. The socio-economic structure of medieval East society along with the traditional agrarian system, the functions of the caste system and intra-communal division of labor are analyzed. The dual – both destructive and creative – mission of capitalism in the colonies, particularly the process of so-called primitive accumulation of capital in the colonies, is demonstrated, as well as the role of agrarian reforms in overcoming the dualism (experience of independent India).

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Immigration as a challenge to the Western countries at current stage

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 115-122

At the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI century increasing of immigrants while the indigenous population is declining became a serious problem in developed Western countries. Adaptation of migrants is going hard. It aggravates economic and social problems in host countries, leads to rise of social tensions. However, in Europe, unlike North America, the situation gets even a political connotation due to the Islamist factor and the corresponding threats. In the academic community, the problem of migrants has been estimated differently. There are various approaches and offered ways of its solution. Adequate responses to challenges of the XXI century still do not exist.

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Three «images» of the WTO in Russian newspapers

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 106-114

This article is devoted to the debate about the risks and potential benefits of Russia's WTO accession. The author pays particular attention to the arguments of supporters and opponents of Russia's WTO accession. The article deals with the specifics of position of authority, business and experts on this issue. The author analyzes three Russian newspapers – «Argumenty i Fakty», «Vedomosti» and «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» since August 2012 to December 2013. Particular attention is paid to the presentation of these papers the problems of agriculture and agricultural engineering industries as the most vulnerable in the new conditions. It is concluded that these newspapers form different «images» of the WTO, reflecting the positions of consumers, business and government executives.

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Strategy for innovative resources capitalization in peripheral regions of Russia, given its limited nature

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 92-105

The article presents the results of analysis of innovative potential of peripheral regions in the South of Russia and assess its innovative resources. The article reflects positive trends of increasing costs of innovation, which are realized in the number of major engineering companies, and shows the possibility of using of the favorable conditions for the growth of innovative resources capitalization. The authors formulate strategy for the South Russian regions’ turn to the innovation-oriented type of development.

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The theory of ethical economy as a cultural, ethical, and historical economics: Economic ethics and the historist challenge

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 84-91

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Metodological renommée of Peter Koslowski (Scientific editor’s preface to the translation of the article by P. Koslowski «The theory of ethical economy as a cultural, ethical, and historical economics: Economic ethics and the historist challenge»)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 80-83

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Transformation of corruption forms in Post-Soviet Russia

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 73-79

In the article, we draw a distinguish between two forms of corruption, market corruption and network corruption. Market corruption is the use of public office for personal gain, when every firm or individual who pays a bribe receives public services. Network corruption means the use of public office for personal gain, when only those firms or individuals who are in kinship, friendship or business relationships may receive public services. We conclude that the transformation process from market corruption to network corruption took place in Russia between 2000 and 2010. Time frames and causes of the shift are analyzed in the article.

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Cognitive aspects of institutional development of social systems

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 53-72

In the article, the features of the institutional development of social systems studied with means of cognitive notions such as language and thinking are considered. This approach allows us to get additional information that sheds light on the nature of the formation and evolution of the social orders – models of organizing and structuring the interaction of the individuals and their groups across time and space. Given the dynamics of the language change, characteristics of extra-linguistic change with a focus on the logic of the social orders evolution are disclosed. The possibility of a causal link between language and non-language change is discussed and a conclusion of impossibility of incorporating institutions of open access into the unprepared institutional system of limited orders is drawn.

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Innovative clusters and public administration: Market failures vs government failures

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 1),
p. 41-52

Clusters and cluster policy are becoming more and more popular economic instruments, all around the world, to increase economic competitiveness of a country and promote its innovative growth. Cluster strategies are considered as an important tool of innovative development in many countries. Cluster approach is highly prospective: cluster formation and cluster development can increase competitiveness and efficiency of various regions within a country. However, clusterization of the economy could be accompanied with high concentration at industrial and regional levels and monopoly effects that could decrease economic welfare. The article analyzes key characteristics of a cluster as an economic phenomenon, provides modern venues of government innovation policy on the basis of cluster approach and investigates strengths and weaknesses of government cluster policy.

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