Integration of youth policy in the theory and practice of social politics and governance

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 45-50

Youth as the future of the nation at all times is of particular value for any state. Interest in young people has always been important for the state and society, which is due to several reasons. In economic terms, this is largely due to the fact that young people - this is the main talent pool of the economy, and how it will be highquality, depends on the state of the economic mechanism. In modern Russian youth support carried out by the youth policy, which is one of the priorities of social policy of the Russian Federation. Today's youth policy in Russia is experiencing a new and is not the easiest stage of the development of life. The list of goals and specific objectives of public policy, recognition of youth strategic resource used in the sustainable socio-economic development, in which strengthening democratic legal state and civil society, creating conditions so that the quality of life of the people was high, and enhance national security of the Russian Federation, is directly help ensure that ensured the economic independence of young people and realized their social and labor rights and duties. The paper presents the main problems of youth policy as an important part of social policy. Today the support of young people in Russia is carried out in the framework of youth policy, which is one of the priorities of social policy of the Russian Federation. Materials research and scientific findings can be used in the practice of government at the macro, meso and micro levels in the justification and development directions and measures of socio-economic development of different levels.

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Constructing the financial model of sustainable development of thehousehold claster

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 33-44

Within the context of increasing the households’ profitability and their role in the socio-economic development of the territory, the authors of the article view the mechanisms for the household clusters formation and the ways to ensure their stability due to the clustering effect. Basing upon the cluster theory and economic concepts, studying the economic behavior of households, the article states the features of household clusters with a non-profit basis, shows the processes of cluster rent formation and achievement of cluster effects. Within the issues of providing the cluster sustainability, the article analyzes the trends of changing within the structure of household incomes, and views the peculiarities of their crediting practices based of the model of socially - responsible credit. As a result, it was concluded, that shifting the focus from lending to individual households towards lending to their cluster, can overcome the contradiction between the commercial nature of the bank loan, and the non-commercial nature of the household.

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The role and content of the risk management system

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 28-32

In article problems of increase of a system effectiveness of management by activity of the enterprises with the account рисковости and its adequacy to economic interests of subjects of this process are considered.

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Expanding definition of the human capital structure

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 21-27

In connection with the change of individual's role in economy, the problem of human capital is becoming highly topical. The article contains the expanding definition of human capital structure. Human capital is system, that can be characterized by the following qualities: innovativeness, creativity, dynamism. The subsystems are the components of human capital: education, health, social-cultural and informative components, they are supplemented by connections between them: self - organization, has integrating role; and motivation has resulting function.

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Trust as a factor of economic development: studies conducted within the framework of Institutional Economic theory

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 15-20

The economic development of a country is a rather complicated process so conducting a research devoted to economic development it is necessary to take into account the variety of economic, cultural, social, political and geographical factors. In the framework of Institutional theory, using the theory of social capital we have researched the hypothesis that argues that the deficit of trust entails institutional inefficiency therefore the increase of transaction costs that hampers the economic development of the country. Trust is a key factor of the decision making process that likewise plays an important role in the economic life of the country. Present level of trust determines the efficiency of political and economic institutions. In the article, we analyze the level of trust in Russian political institutions and the causes of an absence of trust in business.

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Theory and practice of institutional modernization of economy (the example of the south of Russia)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 9-14

In article on the basis of the comparative analysis of various theoretical approaches to the content characteristic of modernization of the economy that have been developed within the development theory, have been revealed the importance of institutional modernization of the economy, due to its role in the system-core structure of the mechanism of state regulation of regional development. The booked audit of institutes of the development realized in the different countries, showed that the industrial parks are the major new institute providing animated effect on development of economy of the territory. The practice of an institutionalization of this institute of development in the Rostov region has been analyzed, that allowed to draw a conclusion on possibility to establish the industrial parks in other regions of the South of Russia.

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Managing Company in Russian Business of Nowadays in the framework of political economy’s discourse

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 5-8

The substantial matter of the article is analysis of the phenomenon of ‘managing company’ in modern Russian economy – not solely in capacity of instrument of managing of production, of financial transactions, but also as tools of domination of fictive financial capital.

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