The instruments of activation of connection between mega-corporation and regional economy system

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 99-101

The mega-corporations have grate potential of transformation inside the regional economy systems of contemporary Russia. This potential may be productively realized with useful of the special instruments of activation of connection between mega-corporation and regional economy system. In the research of this instruments we need to use the cognitive potential of system and institutional methods.

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Analysis of North Caucasus rural infrastructure mountainous regions indicators to assess the level of development

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 87-91

In article problems and approaches of working out of the strategic plan of social and economic development of mountain territories are considered.

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On the use of renewable energy potential in the North Ossetia-Alania mountainous areas

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 80-86

Traditional to date methods for producing electrical energy is based on irrational use of resources, unreasonable attitude towards the natural environment. To minimize the negative impact on the environment from the operation of the traditional electric power is possible using environmentally friendly renewable energy. To date, for the territory of mountain areas to environmentally clean energy will contribute to the dynamic development and will preserve their natural uniqueness. This is a significant aspect of the study of the potential of renewable resources.

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Assessment of the innovation region development level

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 76-79

The article describes the approaches to measuring the level of innovation development of the region with the help of economic-mathematical methods. Problems were revealed in the accounting system of innovation.

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Trends and tools development the innovation of small businesses in the region (on the example of the Rostov region)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 72-75

In article describes the innovative potential of the region, the possibility of providing State support to small entrepreneurs at the mesolevel. Special attention is given to identifying innovation factors in the formation of regional industrial policies on small business in the face of global instability. Defines a set of meas-ures necessary to achieve the strategic goal of scientific and innovation sphere.

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The institutional environment of cluster strategies use in the South Russia economy modernization

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 67-71

In article justification of the directions of development of the adaptive institutional environment of use of potential of cluster initiatives in processes of modernization of economy of the South of Russia within uniform innovative space of the region is given.

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The institutional and organizational context of the modernization strategy of the regional production complexes development

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 62-66

The article deals with the institutional and organizational problems of modernization of regional production complexes.

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The dominance of innovative investments as a basic pattern of market dynamics capital resources

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 58-61

The article is devoted to the problems of domination innovative investment patterns as the market dynamics of capital resources in the current economy. Are considered the issues of forming a group called the investment effect on the dimensions and use of technology to various factors, the mechanism for calculating the efficiency.

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Organizational and methodological support for the synergistic implementation of investment and construction projects

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 55-57

This article examines the problems of connection of integration, with synergistic effect in the sphere of construction investment activities. It is established that the synergistic potential is not only a function of a number variables that characterize the competitive environment, but also a function of time, that is, it is a dynamic and multi-parametric index. It is encouraged to extensively use the method of decomposition of large systems providing iterative nature of the process. Universal basis for the formation of complex synergistic effect in increasing order is dependent on human and intellectual potentials.

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Organizational and methodological basis for the formation of competitive advantages of integrated different profiles agricultural enterprises

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.2),
p. 51-54

In article organizational-methodical bases of formation of competitive advantages integrated different profiles the agrarian and industrial complex enterprises are considered.

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