«The monetary pole paradox»

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 150-152

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Industrial society and its socio-economic contradictions. Labor political economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 123-149

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On the issue of social and legal status of an art personality in the Ancient Egypt

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 116-122

Conclusions concerning social and legal status of an art personality in the Ancient Egypt are made in the article based on the ancient evidence and Egyptian hieroglyphic signs. The high social and legal status of ones is held by the author as the only valid point of view.

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Street demonstrations are in the focus of science

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 113-115

The article is devoted to the characteristics of street protest movements by Western sociologists.

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An alternative estimation of Russian industry development in 2005–2008

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 101-112

The number of alternative indices of Russian industry evolution are suggested by the authors as the different toward the official ones. The period under discussion covers 2005 up to 2008.

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Entrepreneurial structure activity administration in the unstable external environment

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 95-100

The paper focuses on methods of achieving sustained entrepreneurial structures under unstable environment conditions. Distinctive features of entrepreneurship identified reflect the unstable and hostile nature of the external environment. The authors have analyzed the formation and functioning of adaptive business administration system.

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Identification of the optimal value of fine for the violation of antitrust law

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 85-94

The article proposes approach to identification of the optimal value of fine for the violation of antitrust law, based on the analysis of incentives of economic entities to violate the law; this approach was tested on the example of the entities of oil industry of Russian economic.

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On the amount of losses due to uncertainty in law and obsolete excessive regulation incurred by Russian companies which are involved in foreign economic activities and the Russian society on the whole (case study: administrative practices of the Russian Federal Service of Financial and Budgetary Control)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 74-84

The article focuses on the inconsistency between the regulatory practices applied by the Russian administrative bodies (case study: the administrative practices of the Russian Federal Service of the Financial and Budgetary Control) with regard to the Russian businesses and the goals of modernizing the whole RF economy management system. It also reveals some internal imperfections within such administrative practices, that generate losses for the most active entrepreneurial sector of the RF economy and for the Russian society on the whole, and proposes solutions to protect the Russian businesses from such administrative imperfections.

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Historiography of economic science: moving from the pluralism of approaches toward the dominance of «mainstream»?

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 66-73

The history of economic thought has lost its status as a discipline and, according to the author, the main reason for that is insufficient reflection concerning the conceptual basis and the historiographical approaches used by the discipline. Only overcoming the presentism (whiggism), which is typical for making the historical genealogy for the Marxian economic theory in the Soviet period and also for the theories of neoclassical mainstream or heterodox theories, will conduct the discipline to get its own subject and methods that are different from modern economics.

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J.A. Kronrod and dilemmas of the Soviet political economy (To the centenary of J.A. Kronrod)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.1),
p. 54-65

The article represents the survey of the scientific activity of famous Russian political economist J.A. Kronrod on the background of contradictive soviet political economy. The picture of soviet discussion in economic science and dilemmas of soviet scientists are displayed. The succession of discussions on main problems of political economy from 1920 up to our days is analyzed.

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