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  • Entrepreneurial university model in the context of regional development: The case of Moscow Polytechnic University

Entrepreneurial university model in the context of regional development: The case of Moscow Polytechnic University

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 21 (no. 1),

The article deals with the development of entrepreneurial universities in the context of the triple helix model. We pay special attention to Russia, where entrepreneurial universities development is at the initial stage. Related social, economic, and legal factors are considered. We focus on the case of Moscow Polytechnic University, that implements entrepreneurial development model featured by practice-oriented educational modules, the stimulation of scientific and innovative activities that have commercial potential, and advanced partnership with industry. Methodologically, this study uses qualitative methods, including participant observation and benchmarking, to analyze and generalize the best practices in education, and test our model of entrepreneurial university development. Empirical data included statistics on organizations in higher education provided by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, evidence reported by rating agencies, leading Russian and foreign universities. Our findings may be useful to researchers and practitioners involved in higher education transformation in Russia.
Citation: Nikolaev V., Skvortsov A. (2023). Entrepreneurial university model in the context of regional development: The case of Moscow Polytechnic University. Terra Economicus 21(1), 108– 121 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2023-21-1-108-121

Keywords: entrepreneurial university; project-based interdisciplinary education; technology commercialization; industrial partners; R&D; HEI’s entrepreneurial brand; scientific brand promotion

JEL codes: I23, I25, O31, O32, O34, O43, R11, R58

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606