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  • Labor capacity building in Russian regions: Effects of regional differentiation

Labor capacity building in Russian regions: Effects of regional differentiation

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 18 (no. 2),

Goals like harmonizing the interests of economic and social progress, focusing on national and regional balanced economic growth, achieving social stability and a decent standard of living of the population relate to the labor capacity building. A set of negative tendencies which characterize the asymmetry of economic development, the differences among the regions, including deepening staff differentiation, the structural imbalances can slow down economic growth. The mechanisms for regulating regional development do not provide the necessary efficiency in overcoming the polarization processes. The aim of the paper is to identify regional imbalances in the labor capacity building in the regions of the Russian Federation, taking into account interregional differentiations. The authors also focus on establishing the extent of unevenness of, and the overall picture of personnel differentiation among the Russian regions. This article explains the labour capacity for all of the Russian regions, the degree of heterogeneity of its development, and emerging personnel risks and threats, and the factors for ensuring the personnel security of the regions. The paper also emphasizes the analysis of existing differences among the regions, the ability to ensure the processes of building, reproducing and using the labor capacity. The development factors of labour potential from the economic and statistical perspectives are presented, relying on modified integral model to respond to the private indices of labour capacity development and their combination. The dynamics for the private indices is presented, along with the dynamics for the integrated assessment over the past 10 years for all subjects of the Russian Federation. The elements of differentiation for the Russian regions are identified, according to the qualitative characteristics of the level of development of labour capacity. A systematic picture of the existing structure of personnel differentiation of Russian regions is presented, in order to observe trends and issues in ensuring personnel security in different regions according to their socioeconomic development differences.
Citation: Simionescu, M., Krivokora, E., Fursov, V., Astakhova, E. (2020). Labor capacity building in Russian regions: Effects of regional differentiation. Terra Economicus, 18(2), 117–138. DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2020-18-2-117-138
Acknowledgment: This paper was supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 18-010-00732 A.

Keywords: regional labour potential; integral assessment; regional personnel differentiation; personnel risks; personnel security

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606