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  • Radical economic changes in russia of the twentieth century in the mirror of vocabulary


TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 17 (no. 2),

Language as a tool of interaction between man and the surrounding reality undergoes various transformations during the change of socio-cultural epochs. By the example of the interpretation of economic vocabulary and terminology, the article shows the shifts in the consciousness of native speakers that arose under the influence of radical changes in the Russian economy in the second half of the twentieth century. The system of economic terminology of the Soviet era is reconstructed on the basis of various publications of the «Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language» by S. I. Ozhegov. Clearly divided into two semantic spheres, «our» and «alien», it is marked by special words-operators: «Soviet» and «capitalist», inducing hidden evaluability of «and it is good» and «and it is bad» respectively. To serve the ideological order in the practice of creating dictionary interpretations, five different ways of covert implementation of the necessary politicized settings were developed: from the use of evaluative vocabulary to various comments, which distort the meaning of the words as necessary. The economic model transformation in the post-Soviet era leads to shifts both in the minds of native speakers and in the understanding of economic vocabulary, which is reflected in the new editions of dictionaries. Consistent rejection of the previously accepted methods of marking vocabulary leads, on the one hand, to the de-ideologization of economic terminology, on the other – to the formation of a common, mainly science-based arsenal of language units.
Citation: Semenets, O. P. (2019). Radical economic changes in Russia of the twentieth century in the mirror of vocabulary. Terra Economicus, 17(2), 176–189. DOI: 10.23683/2073-6606-2019-17-2-176-189

Keywords: dictionary interpretation; economic vocabulary; ideologization; deideologization; world view; value model

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606