The economy of the nearest future

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 15 (no. 1),

The main object of studying are processes of disintegration of the social state and building of other society with other social and gender structure. Influence of changes in the third world, automation and robotization on growth of unemployment and reorganization of social and economic structure of the Western countries are analyzed. Two forms (Russian and Western) of reactions to decrease in manpower requirement are considered. The social and gender structure of new Western society is considered. In new society automation and robotization take away a set of usual professions from people, and the work involving direct contacts between people (expanded sphere of occupations like care work) becomes the main work arrangement. It is supposed what societies will be divided into several strata, related to the people’s capabilities for highly intellectual work or to contacts between people, including corporal ones. The conclusion is drawn that male introverts will fall into the worst state. At the same time it is noted that not clear contours of future society which only still begin to shape exert considerable impact on political and economic processes. At the same time future society is a transitional stage between common human story and absolutely modern history. In this absolutely modern history, wide use of machine mind for purely human occupations and embedding of electronic devices in a human body (cyborgization) are possible. However, intervention in genetic human nature, almost inevitable after disappearance of natural selection in human society will become the most important factor which is most of all changing the social and economic relations.

Keywords: welfare state; employment; luddite; political instability; deflation; robot; automation; artificial intelligence; сare work; social and gender structure; human genome engineering

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606