Economy is stronger than production!
Doctor of Economics (DSc), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Economy and Economic Policy, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don,Russia
Doctor of Economics (DSc), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Economy and Economic Policy, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don,Russia
TERRA ECONOMICUS, 2015, Vol. 13 (no. 1),
p. 6-13
The feature of «real socialism» – ideological tricks with Marxism, a great social doctrine that had not been understood in all its complexity by the preachers of communism – played a cruel joke on the Russians in the epoch of «verticalized society». The trouble crept up unexpectedly – having banished hateful «Marxism» (or rather the Soviet parody of the latter), Russian society appeared to have… no economic theory.
GREAT PLATITUDES have grown in popularity: the theory of supply and demand (shortage of goods results in rise in its price, excess of goods declines its price), monetary theory (excess of money leads to its price reduction, the lack of money increases its price), the theory of labor (more employees means their labour is cheaper, fewer employees – their labour is more expensive), and other «positive statements».
So, what of it, one would think. When the economy grows, there’s no place left for philosophizing – only – one should manage to «put in» and to «lay out», as the commercialized scientists clearly express.
However, if the economy goes into crisis, one cannot do without economic theory as the scientific basis of anti-crisis strategy. Disregard of economic theory can become disastrous, in the strict sense.
The present article illustrates this obvious for the professional economists thesis (however, non-obvious for non-professional ones).
GREAT PLATITUDES have grown in popularity: the theory of supply and demand (shortage of goods results in rise in its price, excess of goods declines its price), monetary theory (excess of money leads to its price reduction, the lack of money increases its price), the theory of labor (more employees means their labour is cheaper, fewer employees – their labour is more expensive), and other «positive statements».
So, what of it, one would think. When the economy grows, there’s no place left for philosophizing – only – one should manage to «put in» and to «lay out», as the commercialized scientists clearly express.
However, if the economy goes into crisis, one cannot do without economic theory as the scientific basis of anti-crisis strategy. Disregard of economic theory can become disastrous, in the strict sense.
The present article illustrates this obvious for the professional economists thesis (however, non-obvious for non-professional ones).
Keywords: relationships between «production» and «economy»; system approach; methodology of political and economic analysis
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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606