«The common theory» of J.M. Keynes: lessons 75 years later
Rozmainskiy I.V.
TERRA ECONOMICUS, 2012, Vol. 10 (no. 1.1),
p. 46-52
The paper considers some important elements of Keynes’s theoretical approach which are rejected by the most adherents of the modern mainstream economics. Such elements are the idea that (immeasurable) uncertainty is different from (measurable) risk, and also derivation of some key macroeconomic functions (of consumption, investment, money demand) not from optimizing human behavior. Furthermore, the paper explores also Keynes’s criticism to formalization of economic analysis.
Keywords: Keynes; The General Theory; uncertainty; consumption; investment; demand for money; formalization
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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606