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  • 2012
  • No 2.3
  • Credit scoring is a tool to improve the quality of bank risk management in contemporary conditions

Credit scoring is a tool to improve the quality of bank risk management in contemporary conditions

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 10 (no. 2.3),
p. 27-30

An extensive development of retail crediting proceeds under the conditions of hard competence in product and pricing competition among the market players, which makes the quality of credit risks management not only a crucial issue, but also into one of the competitive advantages for credit institutions developing this specific type of crediting and demanding the introduction of innovative technologies. This article presents a research of credit scoring in its capacity of a means of risk management quality enhancement, taking into consideration the peculiarities and possibilities of implementation thereof in the national system of risk management in banking.

Keywords: scoring; scoring system; risk management quality in crediting
Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606