The American model of global dominance

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 22 (no. 2),

The article examines the history of the United States in order to discover its authentic model of global dominance, as well as its meaningful disclosure through the definition of the main elements. The identification of the model relies on historical evidence and stylized facts borrowed from a new book, “America is Against Everyone. Geopolitics, Statehood and the Global Role of the United States: History and Modernity”. As the book suggests, this model is featured by four mental elements: (1) the mythologeme of the God-chosen USA, (2) the doctrine of intransigence towards a political opponent, (3) the stratagem of the totality of political struggle, and (4) the syndrome of rejection of excessive losses. Whereas first three elements are of universal character, being represented in almost every national model of dominance, fourth one is peculiar mainly to the United States only, largely due to the fact that the American statehood is of relatively recent origin. The American model of global dominance, together with its elements, which have been shaped during 200 years, show great stability and inertia. Having projected the peculiarities of the American model of dominance on the current military and political events, a suggestion is made that the U.S. are unlikely to initiate a nuclear warfare in the near-term perspective.
Citation: Balatsky E. (2024). The American model of global dominance. Terra Economicus 22(2), 96–113 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2024-22-2-96-113

Keywords: global dominance; hegemony; American statehood; ideology; establishment; political attitudes

JEL codes: F02, N41, N42

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ISSN: 2073-6606