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  • Technological and regulatory cycles in world economic development: Historical and economic retrospective

Technological and regulatory cycles in world economic development: Historical and economic retrospective

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 3),

The authors prove that over the last 250 years of the history of capitalism there has been a cyclical change of the dominant mode of world economic relations typically referred to as protectionism – friterism – globalism. Currently, there is a transition from the declining phase of globalism to a new protectionism. We modify the concept of general purpose technology and hypothesize on the regularity of cyclical development of technology. The latter is seen as production – transport – information scheme. The development of production technologies prompts leading countries to introduce protectionism as a means of new industrial base. Advanced production technologies stimulate the development of transport and the establishment of free trade regime in the world economy. The transition to the development of information and communication technologies is stimulated by the need to manage production units scattered around the world, which means the establishment of a globalization regime. Information and communication technologies play a dual role. On the one hand, they prolong the existence of previous production and transportation technologies, and on the other, they create the necessary conditions for the development of new production technologies. The lifetime of each dominant general purpose technology is determined by the period of its profitable application for the purpose of capital accumulation. A complete cycle of development of all technologies, which we propose to call a technological megacycle, takes about 100–120 years. During the same period, the world economy passes the dominant mode of world economic relations cycle. The first technological megacycle occurred from the 1780s to 1914 and ended with the collapse of the first phase of globalization (1870–1914). The second technological megacycle began at times of the Second Industrial Revolution in the early XX century and declined in the 2010s. The unprecedented depth of the current global crisis is determined by the structural shifts resulting from the emergence of the third technological megacycle.
Citation: Tolkachev S., Teplyakov A. (2022). Technological and regulatory cycles in world economic development: Historical and economic retrospective. Terra Economicus 20(3), 72–86 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-3-72-86
Acknowledgment: Our research is supported by the state assignment of the Financial University

Keywords: technological mode; history of protectionism and free trade; industrial revolution; general purpose technologies; foreign economic policy; technological megacycle

JEL codes: F44, O14, O31

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606