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  • Inequality perceptions and redistribution preferences: An international comparison

Inequality perceptions and redistribution preferences: An international comparison

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 1),

Our study aims at assessing the perceptions of inequality in Russia and European countries. We rely on empirical evidence provided by the European Social Survey (ESS8 2016). Research results show that the value of equality and the demand for the tools of redistribution are non-linearly dependent on the age of respondents. Our findings are in line with the hypothesis of multiple equilibria between individual perceptions of inequality and the demand for redistribution tools, as well as the hypothesis of “altruism of the rich”, with regard to older respondents in the Russian Federation. Russian equalization policy shows low efficiency, while both the level of inequality and demand for redistribution tools remain relatively high. The hypothesis about the impact of employment on estimates of inequality and redistribution policies has not been confirmed. We found no gender differences in estimates of inequality, the demand for redistribution, and the effectiveness of the equalization policy in Russia and European countries. There is a high level of solidarity among respondents in European countries regarding the values of equal chances and outcomes. However, there are significant differences in the demand for redistribution instruments, which can be explained by cultural and historical effects, the level of trust in government institutions, as well as by the model of country’s social policy. Our findings can contribute to public opinion monitoring and policy support for strengthened solidarity.
Citation: Frolova E.A., Malanina V.A., Klemasheva E.I., Kashapova E.R. (2022). Inequality perceptions and redistribution preferences: An international comparison. Terra Economicus 20(1): 81–101. DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-1-81-101
Acknowledgment: The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-18-00282 “Developing a comprehensive system for assessing the inequality of the older adults and designing tools to strengthen their resilience”

Keywords: older adults; inequality; Gini coefficient; redistributive policies; equalization; income; efficiency

JEL codes: D31, O57, Z13

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606