Demand for social and labor innovation in general education

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 20 (no. 1),

The study focuses on social and labor innovation in the field of general education in Russia. We aim at analyzing the innovativeness of teachers’ workplaces, their compliance with time requirements, evaluating the implementation of innovation in the educational sphere and the impact of related innovative transformations on the regional economy. The data came from official statistics and surveys on socio-demographic issues by Rosstat, and sociological survey of the Vologda Oblast’s population “Economic and social well-being of teachers from comprehensive schools”. We apply correlation, cluster and factor analysis, as well as cross tables. The novelty of research consists in setting the problem (workplace innovation is considered as one of the varieties of innovation in the social and labor sphere); developing the innovativeness index of the teacher’s workplace; identifying the socio-economic effects of implementing workplace innovation in education. The low level of innovativeness of the teachers’ workplaces has been determined. At the same time, it has been confirmed that there is a request for innovation in the teaching environment. We identify the obvious social effects of introducing innovation in the labor process, including higher return from the teaching work, growing job satisfaction, higher level and quality of education and teaching, and improved quality of education in general. The economic effect from implementing workplace innovation involves growing labor potential, as well as higher wages which contributes to the regional economic development.
Citation: Leonidova G.V., Kabakova E.A. (2022). Demand for social and labor innovation in general education. Terra Economicus 20(1): 102–116. DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2022-20-1-102-116

Keywords: social policy; labor policy; innovation; workplace; workplace innovation; teacher; education quality

JEL codes: I21, O35, J81

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606