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  • Higher education in the resource-type regions: Between the aims of departmental and regional development

Higher education in the resource-type regions: Between the aims of departmental and regional development

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 19 (no. 1),

Cost optimization policy in the mass higher education is an important area of current research. In fact, differentiation of goals and objectives of universities is being transformed under educational policy. An example is the implementation of some variation of the «excellence initiatives» that concentrate limited resources in a small group of privileged universities. Differentiation of universities became the most important feature of the Russian higher education reform in the early 2000s. Higher education institutions were ranked according to their status and public funding. This article examines two aspects, highlighted differently in current studies. The first aspect is the differentiation of universities by level, and their stratification. The second aspect is the localization of regional systems of higher education as a result of the territorial localization of demand for educational services. Resource stratification of universities is becoming an important factor in both strengthening and smoothing out the socioeconomic uneven development of territories. The aim of the article is to determine the place of higher education systems in the resource-type regions. We conducted a comparative analysis of the development of higher education systems in resource-type regions. We assume that the positions of the educational systems of the resource-type regions in the Russian higher education are weakening. Research findings demonstrate that the regional systems of higher education in resource-type regions were in a relatively worse position, with the location of the highstatus universities and the dynamics of the number of students as the main indicators. The resource stratification of universities is associated with the segmentation processes that push the most talented applicants out of the regions and trigger a negative selection of the population in terms of human capital stocks.
Citation: Kurbatova, M.V., Donova, I.V., Kranzeeva, E.A. (2021). Higher education in the resource-type regions: Between the aims of departmental and regional development. Terra Economicus 19(1): 109– 123. (In Russian.) DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2021-19-1-109-123
Acknowledgment: This research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Grant №. 19-010-00244 «Institutional setup of the labor market in resource type regions»

Keywords: higher education system; differentiation of universities; resource stratification of universities; regional universities; resource-type regions

JEL codes: I21, I23, I25

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606