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  • Corporate human capital management in the context of generational theory

Corporate human capital management in the context of generational theory

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 19 (no. 1),

This paper treats human capital as referring to interactions between local groups of employees during their production activities. The article aims at identifying the features of human capital management, taking into account generational cohorts. To identify the factors affecting the process of attracting, retaining and developing employees of generations X, Y, and Z, the author analyzed international and domestic research, as well as the results of surveys conducted by the recruitment company Hays, consulting companies Deloitte and PwC. Besides, the study relies on the authorʼs own methodology to develop groups of system-forming characteristics of the team and integrate them into the human capital management model. The research findings show that each generation requires special management practice. For generation X, face-to-face live intra-collective communication and training, long-term goal setting, vertical career growth, recognition for individual achievements, autonomous work, minimal control, and traditional employment are important. Generation Y is focused on virtual and face-toface intra-collective communication, intensive training program, short-term goal setting, project work, teamwork, horizontal career growth, continuous feedback from management, a sense of self-importance, diversity, traditional and remote forms of employment. For generation Z, virtual intra-collective communication, short-and longterm online training programs, individualism, multitasking and functional diversity, horizontal career growth, unobtrusive control of the manager, and remote employment are important.
Citation: Nikitochkina, Y.V. (2021). Corporate human capital management in the context of generational theory. Terra Economicus 19(1): 138–151. (In Russian.) DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606- 2021-19-1-138-151
Acknowledgment: The research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 19-29- 07488).

Keywords: labor collective; human capital; theory of generations; development; management

JEL codes: A30, I21, J24

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606