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  • Modeling marital fertility in Russia in terms of regional multi-variations in family policy

Modeling marital fertility in Russia in terms of regional multi-variations in family policy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 18 (no. 4),

Russia’s population is forecasted to decline annually by 2024, the updated version of the Unified Plan for Achieving the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2030 says. The total decrease may be equal to 1,2 million people. According to key Russian officials, low level of marital fertility is seen as one of the main reasons for depopulation. Russian authorities are “implementing active measures” to increase the birth rate and to protect mothers and children, with an emphasis on traditional family support. In terms of regional multi-variations in family policy, however, these measures do not always result in positive impacts. This paper contributes to the problem of assessing marital fertility in the Russian Federation by developing a classifier for estimating the likelihood of marriage. The study proposes a grouping of regions by the level of marital fertility to assess the scope of deinstitutionalization of marriage in Russia. The authors suggest that the tendency of the marriage deinstitutionalization in Russian can be explained by the regional population structures, which negatively impact the reproduction of the institution of marriage and family. With an increase in the average age of marriage for women, there is a shift to contract marriages, which results in a gradual accumulation of institutional exceptions and breakdown of the traditional family. This study relies on the data of the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE). The authors evaluate the binomial logit model of the probability of marriage. The results suggest that the effectiveness of the family policy may be increased through the institutional strengthening of shared strategies according to the regional context.
Citation: Kapoguzov, E. A., Chupin, R. I., Kharlamova, M. S. (2020). Modeling marital fertility in Russia in terms of regional multi-variations in family policy. Terra Economicus, 18(4), 32–46. DOI: 10.18522/20736606-2020-18-4-32-46 (In Russian)
Acknowledgment: The article is supported by the state assignment of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, titled «Family households as an economic entity».

Keywords: marital fertility; family policy; deinstitutionalization of marriage; regional multi-variations; institutional statements; institution of family institutional isomorphism

JEL codes: D10; B52; C71

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606