TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 17 (no. 4),

This paper focuses on the management and steering the intellectual potential in the system of vocational and higher education institutions (HEIs). It is quite apparent that more advanced intellectual potential in the system of higher education helps to improve the system’s viability, competitiveness, and to increase its overall quality thus making a considerable contribution to the building the overall intellectual potential of a given country. Moreover, we argue that intellectual potential is important for building intellectual or human capital which is crucial for the economic and social development. The paper tackles the institutional building of the intellectual potential in higher education. In particular, it shows that the intellectual potential of HEIs represents a holistic system of all combined potentials of students, lecturers, employees, as well as the university administration. We focus on the issues of building intellectual capital in higher education, institutional building in science and education, management of the scientific educational networks, and innovative process management in educational institutions. Our conclusions show that intellectual potential provides a more accurate blueprint for the future growth path. Furthermore, intellectual potential and its key components and indicators are capable of providing a clear view of the most important prerequisites for development. We argue that HEIs and universities in all countries around the world should focus on investing in building the human capital and intellectual potential. It is also important to identity the key areas and strategies for supporting and managing intellectual potential and to provide targeted support into the most promising areas that can achieve fastest growth.
Citation: Samaibekova, Z., Zaid, S. S. M., Molchanova, A., Rybakova, A. (2019). Managing the intellectual potential in the higher education system. Terra Economicus, 17(4), 174–189. DOI: 10.23683/2073-6606-2019-17-4-174-189

Keywords: intellectual potential; innovations; institutional change; vocational training; higher education

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606