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  • Manifestations of economic identity in the regional brands: theoretical approaches to the study


TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 15 (no. 4),

In a globalizing world, the process of competition are a constant and increasing pressure on regions and individuals. However, the contemporary processes of globalization lead to the fact that regional approaches begin to dominate in the world economy and politics, the focus of attention of researchers is shifting from the global to the regional level. Currently, the regions that do not participate in the process of «territorial competition» is not able to be integrated into the world economy. One of the key instruments of territorial competition becomes the brand of the territory (region). Identity of individuals, localized in a «competing» region, can be used as a starting point for the formation of his brand. In our opinion, this approach is «from the identity of the individual to the brand of the region» can become the basis for the formation of such a regional brand, which in symbolic form most fully and adequately reflected and aligned the interests of all its stakeholders. Such a brand is not just distinguishes the region from other similar, but also strengthens its competitive advantage. This article from the standpoint of modern European interdisciplinary scientific approaches considers the possibility of applying the economic concept of regional identity as part of the mobilizing forces for development of regions and promotion practices of regional branding.

Keywords: economic identity; regional brand; regional branding; territory marketing

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ISSN: 2073-6606