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  • Overview of the Russian methods of competences, labor demand and supply forecasting

Overview of the Russian methods of competences, labor demand and supply forecasting

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 12 (no. 4),
p. 59-67

The article analyzes the factors that have a significant influence on the direction of research in the field of forecasting demand and supply of labor and competences. The authors give a detailed description of the effects of such factors as economic growth; growth of labor productivity; demographic crisis; controversy in the field of training; structural imbalance of supply and demand; new vectors of development of the Russian economy; the development of new forms of employment; the institutional development of the middle class; geopolitical risks. In addition, the paper presents a classification of the existing methods of forecasting of labor and skills demand and supply in Russia.

Keywords: labor market; forecasting methods; demand and supply of labor and competences

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606