Are you here? Who are you? (a research story)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 140-143

Being an early American institutionalist, J. Meinstring dabbled, in his spare time, in writing allegoric opuses, which frequently appeared as a research story. In what follows, an essay by the forerunner of American institutionalism written during vacation in Miami is presented. (After this essay’s publication economists were strictly forbidden to visit Miami).

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Centralized regulation of the mixed economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 101-125

Process of reinforcement of centralized regulation of economy as the prevailing tendency in economic history of developed countries in XX century is described in the current chapter of the textbook. The author analyses the various levels of the main institutes of centralized regulation of the market economy, including: sectoral and intersectoral; national; and supranational one.

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Effective contract as an institute of the social and labor relations in higher education

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 89-100

The authors present the concept and institutional bases of effective contract as a management technology. The process of effective contract formation in higher school is depicted; the significance of effective contract as an instrument of personnel capacity administration in educational institutions is revealed. This, in turn, justifies creation of controllable labor motivation and stimulation system within the personnel policy framework towards research and educational personnel, which is primary staff in higher school. As a result, the concept of personnel audit, which is the method of academic achievements estimation, is supposed to be elaborated. Description of the contract system of social and labor relations in higher school is given by the author; both administrative and academic benefits attended on effective contract implementation in higher school are listed.

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The philosophical bases of institutionalist economics (Part II)

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 72-88

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606

Economic approach toward assessment of antimonopoly law efficiency

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 62-71

The urgency of antimonopoly law efficiency estimation under the modern conditions is readily apparent from creation of The Common Economic Space (CES) by Russia, Kazakhstan and Byelorussia and development of common antimonopoly law for member countries. In order to make developed law satisfy the requirements, it is necessary to base projectable institutes on modern conception of efficiency. In spite of the fact that CES antimonopoly law is of recommendatory nature, there can be no doubt that it will be the main guideline for further development of Russian antimonopoly policy; it will, thereby, indirectly determine the realities of Antimonopoly regulation, causing strong influence on business activity in the Russian Federation. As a result, there is necessity to assess efficiency of antimonopoly law norms. The article presents an approach to the conception of antimonopoly law efficiency; the influence of antimonopoly law on competition development and public welfare is shown.

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Budgetary risks: introduction in the general axiomatics

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 52-61

At budget planning and performance stages in modern budgetary process the «budgetary risk» concept, in fact, is not used. In the article four main features of this risk are considered. Application of traditional classical methods of measurement and analysis of risk in the budgetary area is extremely difficult. On the basis of publications (not numerous) of domestic and foreign authors, two approaches to measurement of the budgetary risks are defined. Regions of keen interest in this perspective are defined. Author's classification of variants and types of the budgetary risks is given in article. Risks of environment, risks of the budgetary system and risks of a case are considered. Budget performance has to depend on level of integrated budgetary risk which will be defined on stages of preparation of the draft of the budget as standard size.

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Metaphorism of institutionalism: physicalism vs biologism

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 34-51

The critical review of physical and biological metaphors in the institutional economic theory is presented in the article. The author proves that physical (including mechanistic) analogies appropriate most for the associative characteristic of a statics and kinetics of institutional systems, whereas biological ones fit more for the figurative description of their evolution. The duality of effects of institutionalist categorial apparatus metaphorization – namely, overcoming of reductionism and ambiguity strengthening – is revealed. Efficiency of use of metaphors and analogies from the most developed, vanguard areas of natural science researches is shown.

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Government and economy: a non-zero sum game

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 20-33

An adequate interaction between government and economy is the key problem of modern countries. How can we improve the functioning of the government if this conflict of interests would be systematic and unavoidable by its nature? What would be better: to have more government – and more limitations for business; or less regulation (with more freedom for business) – and less economic stability? Although an admissible solution depends on many factors, including a concrete situation in a country in a certain period, the right answer could be found only if we use the right instrument of analysis. The article provides a series of arguments for the game theory as an optimal method of analyzing interactions between government and economy at this stage of economic development. Examples from the area of monetary policy are given.

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New investment institutes in Russia

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 12-19

In recent years, regions of the Russian Federation deal with the new tools which make for stimulation of investment processes. These tools include: investment forums; situational bubbles; business breakfasts; contact fair trading; image-maintaining press-tours; multi-channel branding; fairytale map of the country; institute of ombudsman for investment. Characteristic of just listed investment tools are given in the article.

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The starting point for an efficient economy

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 3.1),
p. 6-11

In Russia, economics is always more than just a theory: it is at once a worldview and a social position, and – even – a self-identification! That’s why, when a Russian economist talks about economics, he often bears in mind, among other things, something that goes far beyond the «pure economics» –namely, the modern world, its difficulties and problems, including our line of conduct in present and future. The author examines the factors caused the shift of priorities in economic science from theoretical knowledge to the applied one.

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