Ovchinnikov V.N., Arshba M.V. Insurance as a method of control over the risks caused by negative influence of environment
Aguzarova F.S., Tokaeva S.K. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of the tax potential
Andreeva L.Yu., Andreeva A.V., Yudin A.A. Formation of professional competencies of experts in a system of marketing management of competitive ability of a commercial bank
Shafirov L.A. The concept of assessing the availability of capacity for sustainable lending to households living in Russian monotowns (purpose-loans to households to improve their housing conditions case)
Aguzarova L.A., Besolov S.E. The problems of internal migration in the Russian Federation and their solutions
Tolbatov I.V. Organizational-economic bases formation of natural resources and environmental protection in the building complex
Kozaeva O.T., Sugarova I.V. Indirect taxes in Russia and their development prospects
Lebedeva N.Y. Record Administration Reserve System of commercial bank
Vasiliev V.P. Methods for assessing the economic sustainability of agricultural organizations
Antoshkieva T.M. Public-private partnership: challenges and opportunities in the use of Russian
Begieva A.Sh., Dzakoeva N.C,. Dzakoev Z.L. Mechanism regulatory impact assessment in the managerial decision making process
Kuchiev A.Z., Kuchieva I.H. Organization and credit rating methods for corporate customers applicable
Andreeva O.V. Modernization of financial strategy of major corporations: conceptual framework
Sugarova I.V. Contents of budget expenditure planning
Safronov A.M. New functions of economic policy of Russia from this point of view synthesis of formal and real transformations
Porollo E.V. Tax control: the nature and role in the system of state financial control
Kulumbekova T.E. Improving the system of customs payments in modern conditions
Tuaeva L.A., Sugarova I.V. Cost effectiveness of the health system
Druzhinin A.G., Rednova I.F. «The Turkish component® in the economy of the Rostov region: approaches to assessment
Belokrylov K.A., Patseva G.V. Zones of territorial development as the driver of an increase in the economy of the region
Kovaleva A.V., Moshkin I.V. Implementation of state programs as a factor of business development (for example, areas of the Eastern Donbass)
Frolova I.V., Koroleva N.Yu. Regional determination of managing the investment potential territory
Andieva E.V. Region banks: functioning and development
Kitaev Y.A., Pak Z.Ch., Rudaya Y.N. Regional experience in realization of the target programs of support for small family businesses in the Belgorod region
Tokaev N.H. Management of budgetary expenditures in the region: Features of the methods, trends, drawing the norms and rules
Ragovik L.V. Interrelation of regional integration processes and economic globalization in the modern period of world economic development
Kozaeva O.T. Tax on individuals: estimates and optimization (the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania)
Runova L.P. Formation of effective financial policy of the region considering its rank among the other subjects of the Russian Federation
Siniauskas N.A. Features of the Russian transboundary regionalism
Strelchenko E.A. Regional labour market: tendencies and trends of innovation development (on the example of the Rostov Region)
Tuaeva L.A. The relationship between health-demographics and socio-economic situation in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Melikov Y.I. Financial and credit impact on the development of AIC in WTO
Hurumova T.G. Features of marketing in higher education
Shmalenyuk K.A. Modernization of higher education system in the knowledge economy
Seregin A.V. The object and the method of the juridical slavistic
Frolova E.Y. Expansion of private principles in legal expertise activity