Belokrylova O.S., Dubskaya E.S. World experience of emerging of the creative economy and the opportunities of its use in Russia
Svoevolin V.Yu. Network-centric principle of socio-economic systems management
Deruzhinsky G.V. Urgency and necessity of the study of the subject of political economy
Bondar T.G. Problems of innovative forms operation of economic systems integration
Wasserman E.V. The e-government as a factor of reduction uncertainty in the conditions of informatization of society
Vaskina M.G. Modernization of motivational mechanisms in the conditions of macroeconomic instability
Runova L.P. Modeling integrated indicator of life quality
Chaplya V.V. The method of an estimation of degree of a maturity of forms of shadow economic relations
Tumanyan Yu.R. Methods and forms of penetration marketing program on a foreign market
Belokrylov K.A. Tsygankov S.S. Institutional modernization of the mechanism of public procurement in the context of the transition to contract system (by the example of South Federal University)
Andreeva L.Yu., Shmalenyuk K.A. Problems in formation of professional competence and mobility of staff in major companies
Zaynullina T.G. Problems and prospects of low-rise housing
Tatuev A.A., Bakhturazova T.V. Structural features of monetary accumulation of the population
Lazareva E.I., Maslyukova E.V. The grain logistics companies stock market' investment attractiveness integral estimation: concept and tools for modeling
Edelev D.A. Problem reproduction competitiveness of the modern industry
Blokhin K.A., Gavrilov A.A., Gavrilova M.A. Development of innovative financial products under the conditions of the economic crisis
Lakirbaia I.D. Develop and implement innovative projects of industrial enterprises
Aliyeva Z.M. The concept of consumer behavior formation influenced by relationship marketing in retail
Simachenko M.G., Belokrilov K.A. The assessment of branch markets functioning efficiency (on the example of procurement)
Shal A.V. Statistical estimation of gender segregation in Russia in post-crisis period
Kukarin M.V. Problems of development of the industry and population employment
Ivanova E.A. Specificity of internal corporative relations in modern Russian economy
Koroleva N.Yu., Frolova I.V. Organization problems of separate accounting for tax purposes and with a combination of tax regimes
Shelepov V.G. Monetary and fiscal policy in a system of providing favorable business environment for development of Russian business
Kalyugina S.N., Makarieva V.Y. Research of social factors of industrial enterprises innovative activity
Sushchenko D.I., Eliseeva T.P. Conceptual basis for the development of small and medium forms of entrepreneurial activity in the service sector
Shevchenko D.A., Davydenko A.V. Financial literacy as a factor in the saving behavior of households
Shash N.N., Borodin A.I., Tatuev A.A. Problems of transition to the program budget: new calls of the budgetary policy of Russia
Shvetsova A.N., Dubskaya O.S. Public-private partnership as a form of interaction between the state and business in the context of theories of institutional changes
Takushinova M.M. Principles of operation of the deposit insurance system
Druzhinin A.G., Grishikyan V.V. Inter-municipal cooperations in areas of the metropolization: factors, trends, challenges
Galazova S.S. Natural and economic risks of economic space mountain areas
Deruzhinsky G.V., Khaustov A.V. Providing integration effect in preventing and resolve the contradictions of regional labor market
Shafirov L.A., Oganesyan A.A. Consumer lending as the factor for sustainable growth and household welfare in depressed areas (literature review)
Bondarenko V.E. The criteria for determining the sustainable development of enterprise structures in the context of improving the financial regulatory system in the region
Drobyshevskaya L.N., Isakov K.M. Tool and technological support response evaluation of innovative mezoeconomic system
Lazareva E.I. Innovation-oriented model of South-Russian regions' welfare capital increasing cluster policy
Zhukova I.A. Methodological basis for the elimination of the environmental damage in coal mining area with use of public-private partnership
Vasilieva N.K., Kovryakova E.A. Condition and improve the efficiency of rice production areas in the Kuban
Tambiev A.Kh. Modern approaches to the formation of the innovation economy infrastructure in the North Caucasian federal district
Popova A.H., Arkauti V.V., Ikaeva L.E. International financial reporting standards (IFRS): problems of implementation and transformation of Russian financial statements
Ustjugova A.V. Modern lines of formation of institutional structure of not bank financial sector of EU
Kostenko E.P. Evolution theory and practice of human resource management in the XX century