Mamedov O.U., Brizhak O.V. The modem corporation in the coordinates of classical political economy
Belousov V.M., Lubsky A.V. Geoeconomic paradigm of scientific research
Volchik V.V., Krivosheeva-Medyantseva D.D. Institutional circumstances for innovative development of the Russian economy
Shafirov I.A., Oganesyan A. A. Consumer lending rationalization for the local development benefits: an institutional approach
Bulankina N.N., Meshcheriakova L.A. Motivation and incentives, as an objective form of realization of human interests
Badoev S.H. Basic objective trends of contemporary economic system
Aksenov V.V., Ragovik L.V., Selivanova A.G. Post-crises growth of global economy and the new industrial policy
Gorbunov A.P. Universities in the structure of knowledge economy
Zhigalo E.A. Models of income redistribution in the context of social justice
Krivorotova N.F. Prerequisites and consequences of the introduction inflation targeting in countries with developing markets
Zakharchenko D.V. The system of marketing management of competiveness of industrial companies in the context of formation and development of the "New Economy"
Sakharova L.A. Russian economy: contradictory dynamics of industrial development
Kozelskiy A.V. Evolution of infrastructure services as a factor of economic growth
Nakhmedova D.T. Regional localization mechanisms of social differentiation and poverty
Korolev V.K., Paida G.V. Political economy's paradigms in methodology of postmodern discourse
Stupak V.A. Some questions of formation small agricultural enterprises credit service in Russia
Germanova O.E., Shtanko M.S. The models of realization of the economic content of shareholders' property as a reflection of modern trends of its development
Zaynullina T.G. Problems and prospects of low-rise housing
Zhukova I.A. Modeling reduction of accumulated environmental damage of coal mining areas by forming materials handling system of mine dumps
Bakhteev A.V. Methodological elements of auditor's use of analytical procedures within risk-based approach
Tatuev A.A., Magomedova P.G. Problems of the organizational-economic development of the fuel-energy complex of Russia
Laptev S.V., Filina F.V. The problem of improving the monetary policy of modern Russia
Stupak D.M. Promoting economic development of innovative activity in agriculture
Takushinova M.M. Reserves and prospects for improving the deposit insurance system
Aretova E.V., Litvinsky K.O. Public-private partnerships in Russia: current problems and prospects
Sheveleva A.V. Transformation of ecological-economic policy of the oil and gas sector in terms of strategic energy resources limited
Magomedova P.G. System contradictions of development of fuel and energy complex
Sawateev E.V. Perspectives of development regulation mechanism of the service sector spatial socio-economic system
Sakharova L.A., Hokonov M.M. Contradictions of development of small business in the modem Russian industry
Belokrylova O.S., Kiseleva H.N. Institutional changes in the earth market of Southern regions
Anopchenko T.U., Aydarkina E.E. Analysis of the magnitude of the damage and of prevented damage to water objects of Rostov region enterprises functioning on its territory
Movchan I.V., Ishchenko-Padukova O.A. Regional investment policy as an institution modernization of business in Southern Russia
Izmailova T.V., Meshcheriakova L.A. Major issues and perspectives of development resorts and tourist services in Stavropol territory
Prokopenko Z.V. Cluster determinant of regional development
Kashnikova T.V. Program-target method increase competitiveness of small business region
Yushkova N.G. Spatial approach in the study of the processes of regional socio-economic systems' development and functioning
Sheveleva A.V. An integrated strategic approach to the analysis of the environmental impact of enterprises of oil and gas complex
Kushnarenko T.V. Conceptual basis of transition to non-oil model of development of territories of the South of Russia
Shafirov L.A. Russian monotowns residents' living conditions as the basis for estimation of households' sustainable lending potential
Shatalov S.N. Peculiarities of reforming the system of provision of pensions within a depressed macroregion
Tokaeva T.I. Regional employment: functional changes and orientation features
Gladkaya S.V. Mechanisms to increase the region's investment attractiveness
Arkhipov A.Yu., Voronina T.V., Fomicheva E.V., Kolomiets A.D. Business entities and industries of the South of Russia in the context of Russia's membership in the WTO
Andreeva A.V., Ragovik L.V., Shelepov V.G. Restriction of development of offshore financial networks and realization of equitable taxation model
Palagina A.N. Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation as a key element of business support infrastructure in terms of Russia's accession to the WTO
Shelepov V.G. Deoffshorization and sustainable development of economy: taxation and financial instruments
Bogdanov Y.V. Student's motivation to learning: theory and practice
Gorbunov A. P. Efficient dynamics of high school- basic factor of innovation transformation of the Russian economy
Poluboyarov V.V. Developing informational system of university chair planning and reporting on the basis of ontology as a tool of educational institution strategic management
Kostenko E.P. Evolution of the theory and practice of human resources management in the XX century
Balakireva L.Y. Actual directions of regulation and development of shipowners insurance responsibilities