Competition in the telecommunication industry: network market under conditions of product differentiation

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.1),
p. 17-32

Telecommunication industry nowadays is one with the highest growth rates in any country. Telecom products represent market with network effects, types of competition being connected with product differentiation and market segmentation strategy. Key characteristics of competitive interactions in telecom industry are analysed in the article, including world experience and Russian economy practice.

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Why the quality of the goods deteriorates while «the capitalism develops»?

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.1),
p. 8-16

The paper analyzes the «riddle of goods’ quality decrease as the capitalism develops». Developing ideas of the Post Keynesians and the Old Institutionalists, especially J. K. Galbraith, author proves that big producers accumulate power in order to reduce uncertainty. One of the forms of power’ accumulation is formation of a brand loyalty of the final consumers. The costs of formation of such loyalty are often incurred at the expense of decrease of investment in the «maintenance» of goods’ quality. The consumer which is extremely loyal to brand may ignore decrease of quality of the goods bought.

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The big secrets of the small economic institutes

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 9 (no. 1.1),
p. 5-7

Today, economics is plunged into the problems of production. But its main sphere — the sphere of socio — economic processes. The article considers the specificity of small economic institutions.

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