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  • Russian economic journals in the ESCI: Retrospective overview and forecast

Russian economic journals in the ESCI: Retrospective overview and forecast

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 19 (no. 4),

The representation of Russian journals in the scientometric database Web of Science Core Collection has increased with the launch of the Emerging Sources Citation Index as its part. It covered major regional journals and the titles with subject categories that had not been represented in the Web of Science before. Since the research data on certain groups of academic journals, in particular economic ones, are insufficient, we propose an approach that helps analyze the citation of Russian economic journals included in the ESCI. The analysis is based on the quantitative and qualitative assessment of bibliometric indicators. Within this framework, we also assess journals’ prospects of inclusion in the SSCI. We have identified criteria and indicators of the quality and impact of publications. Citation analysis proves that several journals can meet quantitative selection criteria, but their impact evaluations are lower than the relevant indicators of foreign journals in the SSCI. The findings of our research help outline threshold parameters, which journals should strive to meet so as to be able to compete with the world’s leading publications in terms of citation and impact. Our findings can be useful to editors who develop strategies for expanding journals’ coverage in international scientometric databases and focus on the promotion of Russian journals in the Web of Science Core Collection.
Citation: Tretyakova O.V. (2021). Russian economic journals in the ESCI: Retrospective overview and forecast. Terra Economicus 19(4): 92–109. DOI: 10.18522/2073-6606-2021-19-4-92-109

Keywords: economic journals; bibliometric indicators; impact factor; international scientometric databases; Web of Science Core Collection; Emerging Sources Citation Index

JEL codes: A11, I23, I28

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606