TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 17 (no. 3),

This paper addresses the problem of identifying typological features of resourcetype regions and their classification. The proposed approach is based on the separation of the characteristics of resource abundance and resource dependence, which is explained by the institutional organization of the regional economy. A comparative analysis of the concepts of «resource regime» and «discrete structural alternatives» revealed the features of the institutional organization of resource-type economies. Present classifications of resource-type regions are outlined. The authors develop and test a two-factor model of regions classification using the criteria of the share of the extractive sector in the GRP and the ratio extractive sector/manufacturing sector. The analysis demonstrated comparative advantages of the proposed classification compared to existing approaches. Using the method of fuzzy classification, an integral evaluation of resource dependence is calculated, a classification of regions is given on a continuous scale. An integral evaluation of Russian regions resource dependence level is executed, and their grouping is accomplished. This allows not only to characterize the resource-type regions from an institutionalist perspective, but also to rank them, as well as to identify the associations between various variables (level of employment and unemployment; wages and incomes, etc.) and resource dependence.
Citation: Kurbatova, M. V., Levin, S. N., Kagan, E. S., and Kislitsyn, D. V. (2019). Resource-type regions in Russia: definition and classification. Terra Economicus, 17(3), 89–106. DOI: 10.23683/2073-6606-2019-17-3-89-106

Keywords: resource-type region; resource abundance; resource dependence; resource regime; discrete structural alternatives; fuzzy classification

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606