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  • The problems and solutions of educating technical talents in china's coming economic progress


TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 16 (no. 1),

China starts its vocational and technical education from the latter part of 19th century, with the intention of firstly developing strong national defense power against foreign invasion, through practical business organized by bureaucratic lords and important officials then. Later on, the education for technical talents was intended to realize modernization of China. However, the process of industrialization was interrupted by wars both within China and with China. From the contemporary history, we know that China has been moving towards a modernized superpower via the gradual advancement of industrial, agricultural, commercial and military modernization. Among these items and in the due process, education for technical talents played an important role. Since the adopting of Marxism from west countries, among which the USSR was the number one channel to pass Marxism to China, the question of combing Marxist ideology, western technology and Chinese culture began. Until today, Marxism plays the directing role, serving as tools of world outlooks and methodology to guide the technological education. When moving towards the technical superpower, China has to crack down the paradoxical predicament of individualization and socialization, knowledge and values, rigidity and creativity. Therefore, it is obvious that a critical pedagogy and critical culture are badly needed to support the education for technical talents.

Keywords: vocational training; technical education; talented people; economic prosperity; modernization; Marxist ideology


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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606