The Phenomenon of the «gothic» alienation

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 13 (no. 4),

Classic works in economics are always modern and relevant. The article shows the aspects of the famous Marx’s work which, previously remained on the periphery of the analysts’ attention, has now reached the top of the agenda and become increasingly important for the economy of post-Soviet Russia. The author focuses on the features of the phenomenon of alienation in a transforming society. The article deals first with the conceptual characteristics of the phenomenon of alienation, then – its subject predetermination, further – alienation as the contextual meaning of the «Critique of the Gotha Program», and, finally, – characteristics of the forms of alienation predicted by K. Marx. These forms, according to the author’s opinion, have been implemented in the post-Soviet economy. There are a number of interdisciplinary issues of discursive character raised by the author in the article to grasp attention of the scientific community. The author concludes that the category of «alienation» has become fashionable. It is unlikely to be seen as a pure accident, since the merit of this category is its ability to absorb and reflect almost all the features of the modern society: social disjunctions, devastating loneliness, ruining crisis. Figuratively, modern alienation was defined only by Heidegger, inter alia, – in one word: «homelessness» as the fate of individual in the social world. This definition refers to the modern interpretation of existentialism. But even more homelessness characterize the «Gothic» society as the intermediate stage between capitalism and socialism: homeless (and therefore alienated) economy, homeless (and therefore alienated) policy, homeless (and therefore alienated) science and education. Actually, the entire «Gothic» period of a society existence is the period of the «homeless» alienation…

Keywords: comparison between the sociological and philosophical interpretation of the alienation and the economic one; economic context of the phenomenon of «alienation»; features of the «gothic» alienation predicted by K. Marx

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
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ISSN: 2073-6606