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  • No 2.1
  • Reformation of the Russian higher education system: the role of myths and institutions

Reformation of the Russian higher education system: the role of myths and institutions

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 94-81

The problem of the Russian higher education system reformation is considered in the article in the light of myths embedded strongly in the socio-political discourse. Institutional change in Russian higher education is associated with institutional inertia and path-dependence phenomenon; therefore, decisions about the alteration of the key institutions supposed to be compared with the feasible rigidity of subsisting rules and lock-in effect. Persistent lack of financing as the primary cause of the Russian higher education system inefficiency has resulted in emergence of incentives and informal institutions which impede efficient reforms. Special attention is paid to analysis of the education system reformation performance in the context of evolutionary adaptation of actors to the change in organizational forms and institutions.

Keywords: education reform; institutional economics; institutional inertia; lock-in effect; evolution of institutions; public policy

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Publisher: Southern Federal University
Founder: Southern Federal University
ISSN: 2073-6606