Hans H. Lembke «Bankier, Fälschener, Historiker. Der Weg des Isaac Lewin durch die Geschichte seiner Zeit». Book review

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 152-154

The review under consideration is called forth by the publication of the monograph reason for the present review served out the monograph of Hans H. Lembke «Bankier, Fälschener, Historiker. Der Weg des Isaac Lewin durch die Geschichte seiner Zeit».

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Uncertainty, optimization, interests

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 136-151

The material represents the fourth chapter of the monograph «Anti-SaM: What is «wrong» in the Textbooks of P. Samuelson, N. Mankiw…» (forthcoming by Infra-M Publ., Moscow). Accounts of several authoritative introductory textbooks are compared, the notions under consideration are: uncertainty, optimization, marginal items, interests. Proceeding from this basis, the author's classification of subjects’ objective interests is made; two fundamental principles of economic rationality – one of cost minimization and the other of benefit maximization, – are described, with their associations to the effects of substitution and income, correspondingly, taken into account. Realization of the economic sovereignty both at nomadic and at settled ways of living, either in the past epochs, and in the societies of modern type, is accentuated as well.

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The main examples of the mixed economy originated in developed countries

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 94-135

The key models of mixed economy emerged in developed countries are analyzed in the chapter. The experience of the U.S. coping with the Great Depression; preconditions for sustainable growth; the concept of social market order in Germany; the origins of the postwar miracle in Japan are examined in the article.

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Reformation of the Russian higher education system: the role of myths and institutions

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 94-81

The problem of the Russian higher education system reformation is considered in the article in the light of myths embedded strongly in the socio-political discourse. Institutional change in Russian higher education is associated with institutional inertia and path-dependence phenomenon; therefore, decisions about the alteration of the key institutions supposed to be compared with the feasible rigidity of subsisting rules and lock-in effect. Persistent lack of financing as the primary cause of the Russian higher education system inefficiency has resulted in emergence of incentives and informal institutions which impede efficient reforms. Special attention is paid to analysis of the education system reformation performance in the context of evolutionary adaptation of actors to the change in organizational forms and institutions.

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The philosophical bases of institutionalist economics

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 82-93

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Socialism, pre-Marxist (utopian) Socialism and Marxism: making conceptions clear

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 69-81

The article deals with the socialist thought, namely, its two main types – utopian socialism and Marxism. As it took place 100–150 years ago, both socialist theories are interpreted today quite differently by various authors. But at this juncture the principles of humanitarian knowledge seem to be broken; the correct view of modern society, which is, capitalistic per se, still impregnated with socialism, appears to be unattained yet. Revealing the dialectical nature of development of the objective world, from lower level to the higher one, Marx asserted: «the key to the anatomy of a monkey lies in the human anatomy». Proceeding from the methodological principles of « Marx’s method», – that is, a dialectical materialism elaborated by Marx along with Engels, – the author focuses, above all, on the concept of Marxism, which appears to be the most scientifically developed form of theoretical socialism. Clarification of the concept of Marxism by extraneous ideological features elimination made it feasible to reconstruct Marx’s and Engels’ original ideas of both socialism and communism, their essence and genesis. Thereafter, the research provides insight into the theoretical notions related to this world-wide historical movement, which had been defined by the creators of Marxism and used by them.

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Professional structure of population and a mode of the nation’s economic development

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 41-68

The article under consideration deals with the thesis that occupational structure of the population can be regarded as the indicator of the nation’s stage of economic development. The author reveals that in advanced economies the modern type of economic system could be referred to the post-industrial stage, considering: a) specific proportions in the occupational structure (prevalence of professional managers and technical experts); b) labor patterns and the extent of labor division according to specialization and qualification (highly skilled labor combined with broad specialization, and a new criterion of creativity included in qualifications). Analysis of employment statistics in USA and Western Europe over the last 100–150 years has resulted in defining of five main stages of economic development and describing their key features under the two criteria.

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Economic institutions of Internet

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 30-40

The author’s typology of the Internet institutions is presented. Theoretical description of the category of institute in context of virtual world is practically impossible to find in the scientific literature. The tasks of: analysis of institutional concepts of virtual world; identification of the structural elements of Internet space; institution systems modeling of the virtual world are accomplished in the paper. The typology of the institutions is based on the principle of isomorphism of economic norms. A number of traditional trade institutions are reflected in the institutions of electronic economic environment with emergence of entirely new institutions that are not typical for the traditional economy. They include IP- addressing institutions, domain names assignment institutions, property rights securing institutions, etc. Modern economics is at the beginning of the way towards complete comprehension of the virtual world’s economic potential.

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«Islamic economy» as an example of traditions’ construction

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 25-29

The article under discussion is above all of enlightening character. The author focuses on the «invented traditions» concept unpopular in Russia. Professional economists are supposed to get acquainted with the concept which may appear to be the key instrument for understanding of the global phenomenon of «retraditionalization», affected elite groups in different countries at the turn of XX–XXI centuries. Islamic economy phenomenon is considered to be the particular case of traditions’ construction. Far from being a professional economist, the author analyses the Islamic economy’s effectiveness compared to the market «mainstream» economics with much less self-confidence.

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Foreign experience of police corruption counteraction

TERRA ECONOMICUS, , Vol. 11 (no. 2.1),
p. 16-24

Police corruption counteraction arrangements are to be analyzed as the particular case of institutional construction, which presupposes definition of new «game rules» system and elaboration of the mechanisms of motivation/penalty for its adherence/contempt. These rules and mechanisms are universal, but their effectiveness varies considerably according to stage of development and cultural level of different groups of countries. Review of the methods of counteraction to the police corruption in foreign countries, its applications and results (with the «Georgian miracle» included), reveal that there is no any easy way to «exempt» the interior agencies from corruption.

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